Friday 9 September 2011

Entering the Unknown

The alarm was blaring in my ear, I stuck my arm out in the cold morning air, and turned it off. I reluctantly removed my blanket, and moved towards the edge of the bed. The cold floor shocks my feet, but I bear with it and make my way to open my blinds. As I look out the window, I don't see the scenery I'm always use to. It was completely different. Deciding to look around the new city, I quickly got ready, and found an outfit to wear. I made my way out the door, and started my new journey. Walking down the street felt strange. I recognized nothing, Weird looking cars passed me as I walked, they seemed to hover over the ground! I kept on walking down the street, the wind hitting my face, I stopped as I see people off in the distance. I run towards them to see what was going on. They were crowded around a strange creature with long bright pink hair. But their skin was an off shade purple. I squeeze in between to get a better view. I turn to ask a lady what year and day it was. She gave me an odd look, saying that it was the year 2057 day 867. I looked at her in complete shock, soon realizing that the city I once knew has become a place I've never seen.

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