Friday 30 September 2011

Captain Mitty!

           After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile, Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury he noticed the raging waves that crashed against the shore. Off in the horizon, was a tiny dot. Walter adjusted his gaze and realized that it was a yacht, and she was a beaut.

           "Ahoy my Captain!" greeted the first sailor that came onto the boat. Along came another, then another, all oh which, greeted Captain Mitty. After all of the sailors arrived on board, they set out to take the world by storm. Just as the voyage began, everyone was trying to curb their enthusiasm. As the men settled down, Mitty examined his crew. Carefully not trying to laugh out loud while he looked at this one sailor who was fat as a pig, usually Mitty would make fun of a man so big, but he had heard from the other captains that he was filthy rich. He continued looking through the crowd. This one fellow caught his attention. He looked strong and tough. It looked as if he was the most popular one in the group! Mitty made himself comfortable on a nearby chair and continued to observe the sailor.

           Mitty felt himself becoming green with envy. "What is so special about him?!" he thought. But decided that the fellow did not deserve his time, since he was in fact, The Great Captain Mitty. "This will be an amazing journey. Besides, nothing ventured, nothing gained." Mitty told himself. The sun began to set, and the sailors were becoming hungry. Finally the cook brought out the food, and everyone began to eat. "This food is delicious!" exclaimed one sailor. "Save room for dessert!" said Mitty. By the end of the night, everyone got in to their cabins, and they all became quiet as a mouse.

           The violent rocking of the boat woke Mitty up in the middle of the night, along with the other cabin mates. Everyone rushed out of their rooms. "It's a dark and stormy night, make sure nothing comes undone!" said Mitty. In the midst of helping, Mitty heard a noise coming from a cabin. He came in to see Joseph, who had been throwing up. "Oh my!" cried Mitty, as he dragged the body out on to the deck. The crew gathered around Mitty and Joseph. "Hurry! Grab the medicine!" instructed Mitty. Jack, a fellow crew member, scurried to the cabins. After frantic searching, Jack came back with his shoulders that hung low. "I'm sorry Captain, I couldn't find any medicine..." Chatter broke out within the group. Mitty looked down at Joseph, and put his hand over his forehead. He had a raging fever. Making a rash decision, not wanting to have any of the other sailors become ill, he decided to throw Joesph over board, and make him swim with the sharks

           He put Joseph down on the floor, walked over a few paces, and called the crew over. All of the shipmates ran over to their captain. After telling them what his plan was; none of the sailors moved an inch or even said anything. Their faces turned white as a ghost. Mitty examined their faces, "what's wrong?! Cold feet? Cat got your tongue? Hurry up and grab me some rope!" He ordered. 

           The chaos outside his cabin faded, "finally, they've calmed down. It's about time, I told them to stop horsing around and arguing with them for hours now." thought Mitty. Even though some of the sailors refused to toss Joseph over, He ordered them to do it anyways. "It wasn't a good idea of keeping him anyways." Mitty said, reassuring himself.  

           Days passed quicker than a New York minute. By the end of day 7, the sailors felt a growing bond between all of them, and Mitty felt it too. Mitty noticed some ominous clouds appeared before his eyes, they began to form the biggest storm he had ever witnessed! Before anyone could react, a lightning bolt strikes the ship! The ship began to be engulfed by flames. She was sinking, and sinking fast. The sailors all in a panic rushed to Mitty. "What do we do?!" asked one sailor. "I don't want to die!" cried another. Thinking on his feet, he simply said "Abandon ship. We either sink or swim now, I'm glad to say it was a pleasure to be your captain." Making his way to the end of the ship, he looks into deep sea, his men followed. "On the count of three, we jump." said Mitty. "One... Two... Three!" Jumping into the sea, he felt the cold sensation of the water, that engulfed his whole body.

           "Walter! Walter! Are you even listening to me?!" Walter snapped out of his daydream, and looked at his wife with confused eyes. "Sorry, what did you say again?" He asked. "Roll up your window, you've had it open this whole time! It's getting so cold in this car, and look! Your face is wet from the rain coming through!" Walter rolled up his window, wiped his face off with his sleeve, and continued the drive back home.

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