Friday 23 September 2011

Keep Me or Kill Me

Sandy Nguyen
2900 Juniper Dr
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 7T1

September 23, 2011

Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

          My dear Captain, I know you have a tremendous decision to make, and I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity tell you about myself. Many don't know, but my parents came over from Vietnam to Canada with very little in their pockets. I know they have had to work hard to give me the life I have right now. They have raised me to be a strong individual, they also inspire me so much. They make me believe that whatever I want to do, I can achieve it. As you know, I've been to Vietnam many times in the past, I've seen first hand what people go through and the difficulties they have to face every single day, whether it being not having enough food, or even not having a proper home to live in, I realize what I take granted everyday of my life. I've learned to become grateful of my parents, and what they've down for me.

          My goal in life is to become a doctor or a pharmacist. After I work for several years, I plan to donate some of my income to the charities around the world, and I hope to have the opportunity to open a clinic in Vietnam, and help out everyone in need. I have many plans for the future, if you keep me alive, I will study hard in school. I want to be able to take care of my parents when they get old and tired as well. It’s not fair if I don’t. They’ve given me everything and even though it gets hard, I’m going to keep trying.

          I wish to keep my parents as long as I can, give everything I can because I know they did to give me a happy life. And being a father yourself, you would understand what the pain would be like to lose a child at such a young age.


Sandy Nguyen

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